Loading the data into Gooroo Planner
If you're an information professional then you'll probably want to ask: How do you get data into Gooroo Planner? And how difficult is it?
We expect to get you up and running with Gooroo Planner on your very first day, with comprehensive week-by-week planning of activity, capacity and waiting times, across all your main specialties and sites, and covering new and follow-up outpatients, elective inpatients and daycases, and emergencies.
Typically we start on-site first thing in the morning, working with one of your most experienced information analysts and your readily-available data, and by mid afternoon your first cut modelling should be ready.
But don’t mistake speed for cutting corners: this is good quality anlaysis that will stand the test of time, so that your plans can be refreshed every month with minimal effort, subsequently improved upon, and then fully automated.
If you're an information professional then you'll probably want to ask: How do you get data into Gooroo Planner? And how difficult is it?
From a standing start, it usually takes less than a day to write decent queries and generate the first cut of hospital-wide modelling with Gooroo Planner. That's pretty fast. But we thought we could make it even faster.
A long-waits forecast that was accurate down to the last patient? Yes, and two months running too. We'd be the first to admit there was a lot of luck in it. But you have to be shooting pretty straight to get that lucky...